7 tours in Holy Stairs (Scala Sancta)
St. John Lateran Ticket with Audio Guide
St. John Lateran Ticket with Audio Guide





Experience the oldest church in the western world – the St. John Lateran Archbasilica – and the entire Lateran Complex with an informative multilingual audio guide. One of the four Archbasilicas in Rome, the Church’s history dates back to early Christianity and, together with the Cloister, the Baptistery, the Holy Stairs (Scala Santa), and its Sancta Sanctorum chapel, forms a complex of substantial religious history and culture. This is the church where the Pope lived up to the XIV century until the residence shifted to the Vatican City after 1870. Marvel at the Cloister, measuring approximately 36-meters on each side. One of the widest in the city, observe the Roman Gothic architecture of the precious gilded marble column carved by one of the most talented stonemason families in Rome – the Vassallettos. You’ll find the entrance to the Baptistery behind the church. Featuring a dome and columns, look out for internal frescoes that were made under Pope Urban II in the XVII century. Mosaic decorations have almost disappeared but many artists have left their mark on the walls such as Andrea Sacchi, Carlo Rainaldi (the altar), and Luigi Valadier (the statue of St. John Baptiste). Opposite the St. John Lateran is the entrance to the Scala Santa, which translates to ‘Holy Stairs’. Legend says these 28 marble steps were the stairs on which Jesus climbed to Pontius Pilate’s office during his trial. Today, pilgrims climb up the stairs strictly on their knees only, praying and asking for grace. The Sancta Sanctorum chapel is considered to be one of the holiest sites of Christianity and holds the highest treasure of relics including an ancient image of Jesus the Saviour holding the New Testament. The rest of the chapel has been decorated by many popes over the years.