Visit one of the more emotional places in Cape Town at the District Six Museum and learn about the tragic history of the apartheid era.

Get a full picture of Cape Town's rich cultural history through learning about the creation of townships during the apartheid era, visiting the district 6 museum and tasting some traditional beer at a local Shebeen(tavern). Please kindly note that the traditional beer is classified as an alcoholic beverage and may not be consumed by persons under the age of 18. On this tour, travelers get to mingle and interact with the "not-so-good "part of Cape Town, giving them a full insight of the hardships that were experienced during the apartheid era and more. Book your tour with us and it is guaranteed that you will go back home with lots of amazing stories to share. During this tour, travelers will visit the District six museum first, then head down to Bo-kaap where they will see the colorful houses and get an insight of their history. Travellers will then head to Table Mountain National Park and later proceed to Langa township where they will get to see the other side of Cape Town.