Beng Mealea is around 66 kilometers away from Siem Reap town. The distance to the temple from the town of Svay Leu is around 10 kilometers.

Discover three stunning destinations in just one day: the intricate beauty of Banteay Srei, the natural wonders of Kulen waterfall, and the hidden temple of Beng Mealea, waiting to be explored.

Travel through the Cambodian countryside on a day trip to the Koh Ker temples, with hotel transfers from Siem Reap. Then, visit Beng Mealea temple, one of the core temples from the Angkor Wat period.

Travel through the Cambodian countryside to visit the Koh Ker group of temples. This remote archeological site was the capital of the Khmer Empire during the 10th century then visit Beng Mealea temple

Just only a short one day tour you can see the must-see 3 places in the long distant driving to remote Cambodia-Thailand border Prah Vihear & Koh Ker Group & Beng Mealea.

Just only a short one day tour you can see the must-see 3 places in the long distant driving to remote Cambodia-Thailand border Prah Vihear & Koh Ker Group & Beng Mealea.

Explore the temples of the Khmer Empire on a full-day tour of Banteay Srey and Beng Mealea from Siem Reap, admire the intricate Ankorian bas refiefs. Learn about sugar palm production on the way back.

Not only experienced to see all the major temples on Small & Big Circle but as well as far away temples Banteay Srei, Rolous Group and Beng Mealea

The tourists at the most popular sites, this tour to Koh Ker and Beng Mealea is an ideal day trip for you. The temples here are overgrown with plants and tree roots feel like quite a jungle explorer.