A picture outside of the Louvre Museum in Paris, France.

Ultimate Guide to the Louvre Museum, Paris

When anyone travels to France, they probably already have some places they want to visit. These places differ depending on the person and their interests. However, there is one place that almost everyone in France tries to visit. This place is the Louvre Museum. Located in Paris, the Louvre Museum is one of the world’s greatest destinations, not just in Paris. Millions of people visit it yearly, indicating how good of a place it is.

The Louvre Museum is simply a must-visit destination whenever you are in Paris. Some people might even travel to Paris just to visit the museum. Since the Louvre Museum is quite a popular destination, we must share tips and information to make your visit easier. To help you, here is the ultimate guide to the Louvre Museum in Paris. This guide will teach you all the important details you need to know before visiting the Louvre Museum.

Why You Should Visit the Louvre Museum

A picture inside of the Louvre Museum in Paris, France.
The Louvre Museum

While the Louvre Museum is already popular, some might ask whether it is worth visiting. The only right answer to this question is yes. Everyone should visit the Louvre at least once in their lives. Many reasons make visiting the Louvre Museum a must. For starters, you will find something you end up liking. The wide collection inside the museum is quite diverse; this makes it easy for you and anyone to find something you like. Other than the artwork, the architecture inside the Louvre Museum is quite impressive. So if you love architecture, you will love the Louvre Museum.

More reasons you should visit the Louvre Museum include the events hosted there. With all the events and workshops the museum has, you will have a chance to learn a lot. Even if you simply walk through the Louvre Museum without attending any event, you will learn a lot. The best reason you should visit the Louvre Museum is probably the artwork there. Everyone deserves to see the Mona Lisa at least once.

Getting There

A picture of people walking outside of the Louvre Museum in Paris, France.
Outside the Louvre Museum

Part of our guide to the Louvre Museum is telling you how to get there. There are different ways to reach the museum depending on what vehicle you plan to take. You can find the Louvre Museum in the 1st arrondissement in Paris. Here are the different ways to reach the museum:

  • Metro: Palais-Royal / Musée du Louvre if you take lines 1 and 7. You can also get off at Pyramids stop if you take line 14.
  • Bus: Several buses, including those with numbers 21, 27, 39, 67, 68, 69, 72, 74, 85, and 95, can take you to the Louvre Museum. You should then get off the bus at the Louvre—Rivoli or Musée du Louvre station.
  • Car: If you take a car, you will easily find your way to the Louvre Museum. Don’t worry about parking since there is underground parking at 1 Avenue du Général Lemonier. After parking there, you can enter the museum using the Galerie du Carrousel entrance. This parking spot is open daily from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m.
  • Bicycles: If you use a bicycle to get to the museum, several stations would be near it. These bicycle stations are No. 1015, 2 place A. Malraux & No. 1023, 165 rue Saint-Honoré & No. 1014, 5 rue de l’Echelle & No. 1013, 186 rue Saint-Honoré.
  • Taxis: You can also taxi to the Louvre Museum, but the drop-off area is at the Carrousel roundabout. The closest pick-up area is at Place André Malraux.
  • Batobus: There is also the batobus, a boat that takes you through the Seine. You can reach the Louvre Museum by stopping at the Louvre stop, Quai François-Mitterrand.

The Louvre Museum’s Opening Hours and Ticket Prices

A picture showing the exterior of the Louvre Museum in Paris, France.
Don’t Forget Your Tickets

An essential thing to know before visiting the Louvre Museum, or any place, is their opening hours. The Louvre Museum is open Monday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday from 9 am to 6 pm. It opens on Wednesday and Friday from 9 am to 9 pm and closes on Tuesday. Another important thing to know about the Louvre Museum’s opening hours is that the last entry is one hour before they close. You would also have to leave any exhibition you are in 30 minutes before closure.

You must know the ticket prices and the Louvre Museum’s opening hours. General admission to the museum costs €22. You can book tickets through the official website. Of course, it is always better to book tickets in advance. Some circumstances might allow you to enter for free. These circumstances are:

  • You are under 18 years old. If so, then you will need to show proof of ID.
  • You are between 18 and 25 years old and a European Economic Area resident, including the EU, Norway, Iceland, and Liechtenstein.
  • You were one of the lucky ones who happened to visit the Louvre Museum on the first Friday of the month after 6 p.m. However, this doesn’t apply during July and August.

What Is the Best Time to Visit the Louvre Museum?

A picture outside of the Louvre Museum during the night.
The Louvre Museum at night

Now that you know the opening hours of the Louvre Museum, you should also know when is the best time to visit the museum. Due to its popular status, the Louvre Museum is usually crowded. Therefore, you should know what times the museum isn’t that crowded. For starters, visiting the museum in the early morning could help. Most people prefer visiting the Louvre Museum later in the day. You can also visit late at night as most people leave the museum by then.

You shouldn’t visit the museum from 11 am to around 3 or 4 pm since it gets crowded during this period. If you love the free entrance option on the first Friday of the month, you should be prepared to find a large crowd. Another thing that we have to mention in our ultimate guide to the Louvre Museum is that the rooms there have a schedule. What does that mean exactly? It means that some rooms might close at certain times. Therefore, you should always check the schedule of open rooms beforehand.

Another tip regarding the best time to visit the Louvre Museum is to avoid visiting during the summer. All other seasons are a lot better and less crowded, too! Our last advice would be to try and visit the Louvre Museum on Wednesday or Friday. This is only because it is noticeable how the museum is less crowded these days.

Booking A Tour to The Louvre Museum

A picture of people on a tour inside of the Louvre Museum in Paris, France.
Tour the Louvre Museum

Before visiting the Louvre Museum, you must decide whether to book a tour. Some people prefer booking tours to help them navigate the large museum, while others prefer exploring the place without depending on tours. Both options are valid since it depends on personal preferences; there is no right or wrong here. However, if you prefer booking a tour beforehand, then we can help you with that.

Instead of searching for a good tour through a dozen websites, you can find many tours in one place here at TourTeller. You can check all the Louvre Museum tours we offer and compare them; some of them include skipping the line! We also provide tours from different trusted providers, so you can check the ones you prefer. Using TourTeller, you will find that booking tours to the Louvre Museum, or any other place, has never been easier.

Is the Louvre Accessible?

A picture of people walking up the stairs in the Louvre Museum in Paris, France.
The Louvre Museum is accessible.

If you wonder whether the Louvre Museum is accessible, the answer is yes. They describe themselves as an accessible museum for all, which is a necessity. The Louvre Museum has priority access for people with physical disabilities and those accompanying them. The museum also gives those mentioned free tickets but requires supporting documents.

Not only do they do that, but they also give free wheelchairs, folding chairs, and canes free of charge. The Louvre Museum also provides escort services to those with visual impairments. You can contact the museum in advance if you need assistance when visiting the museum. This will help you know how they can help and give them time to make any necessary adjustments.

All the Entrances At The Louvre Museum

A picture of several people walking inside of the Louvre Museum in Paris, France.
Finding Your Way

We can’t give you an ultimate guide to the Louvre Museum without mentioning the four entrances. You need to know what makes each entrance special and if any restrictions exist on those who can use it. Here are the four entrances to the Louvre Museum:

  • Pyramid: The Pyramid entrance is the main entrance for individual visitors. Visitors who don’t have a ticket need to head to the orange queue. Visitors with tickets or a Paris Museum Pass should head to the green priority queue. Then there are visitors with membership cards such as Amis du Louvre, Carte Louvre Education et Formation, Ministère de la Pass Education, ICOM, and more. There is also priority access for disabled visitors and staff members. Lastly, the Pyramid entrance is the busiest.
  • Carrousel: The Carrousel entrance is open to all visitors, including groups, visitors with tickets, and visitors with membership cards. Address: 99, rue de Rivoli, 75001 Paris.
  • Richelieu: The Richelieu entrance is dedicated to visitors with membership cards such as (Amis du Louvre, Carte Louvre Education et Formation, Ministère de la Culture, ICOM). Its closing time every day is after 5:30 pm. Address: Rue de Rivoli, 75001 Paris.
  • Porte des Lions: The Porte des Lions entrance is closed every Friday and doesn’t have lockers; if you have a large bag or a helmet, you won’t be able to use this entrance. If you find the ticket office closed, you won’t be able to use this entrance since it will only allow visitors with tickets to enter while the office is closed. Address: Quai François Mitterrand, 75001 Paris.

What Wings Will You Find inside the Louvre Museum

A picture of Marcellus sculpture inside of the Louvre Museum in Paris, France.

Now that you are inside the Louvre Museum, you will have to make another choice after you choose an entrance. That choice is which wing you will check out first. The museum has three wings: Denon, Sully, and Richelieu. Each one includes different artworks to admire. So the wing you choose to visit first depends on what you want to see. Before we tell you what you will find inside each wing, we recommend downloading a map of the Louvre Museum through their official website. Having a map of the Louvre Museum with you can be quite helpful. Now, here are the things you should expect to find inside each wing:

  • Denon: This wing is a favorite of many, especially since the Mona Lisa is located there. So, if one of your main goals is seeing the Mona Lisa, you should start in the Denon wing. The wing includes many other masterpieces, such as the Winged Victory of Samothrace, the Apollo Gallery, and other great artworks.
  • Sully: The Sully wing is the perfect place to see ancient artifacts and antiquities. You will find the Medieval Louvre; the name itself sounds interesting. There are also Egyptian and Western antiquities that you wouldn’t want to miss. In addition to this, you will get the chance to see Venus de Milo.
  • Richelieu: The final wing inside the Louvre Museum is the Richelieu wing. It contains the Law Code of Hammurabi, Napoleon III’s apartments, and amazing paintings. It is worth noting that the Richelieu wing is the least crowded of the Museum’s wings.

Is Photography Allowed Inside the Louvre Museum?

A picture of a group of people taking photos of Portrait of Baldassare Castiglione inside of the Louvre Museum in Paris, France.
Portrait of Baldassare Castiglione

Part of our ultimate guide to the Louvre Museum is sharing whether photography is allowed inside the museum. According to the museum’s rules, photography is allowed inside the permanent collections. That means you can take pictures and videos there if they are for your personal use. On the other hand, what isn’t allowed is using selfie sticks, flash, or lighting. Another thing to know is that you might not be allowed to film some artworks in temporary exhibitions inside the Louvre Museum. So always check the rules of these exhibitions beforehand and look for any signs.

Are You Allowed to Bring Bags Inside the Louvre Museum?

A picture of a male tourist wearing a bag while outside of the Louvre Museum in Paris, France.
Visiting the Louvre Museum with Your Bag

Another thing you should know about in our ultimate guide to the Louvre Museum is whether you can bring bags with you. For starters, you can’t bring any items inside the museum that exceed 55 x 35 x 20 cm. You are also not allowed to bring large bags or suitcases inside the museum with you. However, the Louvre Museum allows you to leave smaller items inside the museum’s lockers. These lockers are also free of charge, which makes them even better. You should note, however, that you must collect anything you leave in a locker on the same day.

Important tips to know Before Visiting the Louvre Museum

A picture of the word "Tips" written on a chalkboard background.
Tips You Need to Know

You know much more about the Louvre Museum, but we still have more to mention. The next part that you should know about is some important tips. These tips will help make your visit to the Louvre Museum much easier. So make sure to read our tips before you head to the museum. Here are the most important tips to know before visiting the Louvre Museum.

Plan Ahead of Your Visit to the Louvre Museum

A picture of the words "PLAN AHEAD" written on a yellow note.
Don’t Forget to Plan

One of the good things about the Louvre Museum is that it has thousands of artworks and things to see. You won’t run out of things to see, from popular artworks to lesser-known ones. The Louvre Museum is also quite big, and it has several floors plus different wings, as we already mentioned. Due to the many details surrounding the museum’s layout, a great tip to remember is how to plan. Planning which entrance to use, what wing to start with, and what you need to do will help you enjoy your visit a lot more. It will also help you save time and effort; who wouldn’t like that?

Have A Power Bank With You

A picture of someone using a power bank to charge their phone.
Keep Your Phone Charged

Since the Louvre Museum includes many things to see, you might spend some time there. You will probably want to take photos or videos for any reason, like sharing them on social media or with your family. Your phone might need to be charged while inside the museum. Therefore, we recommend that you have a power bank with you. This way, you won’t have to worry about charging your phone.

Bring Snacks and Water With You

A picture of someone holding a water bottle on a blue background.
stay hydrated

Spending time inside the Louvre Museum and admiring what it offers will certainly affect your energy. You will get thirsty and probably even hungry. The good thing is that the Louvre Museum allows you to bring water and food, such as snacks, with you. However, you should make sure not to eat near artworks or in exhibitions. Drinking water is okay wherever you are inside the Louvre Museum. So stay hydrated!

Keep An Eye Out For Pickpockets

A picture of a pickpocket stealing a woman's wallet.
Always Be Careful

Just like any other destination in the world, not just Paris, there are good things about the Louvre Museum, both good and bad. One of the not-so-good things about the museum is that you might encounter pickpockets. It doesn’t help if you visit the museum while it is crowded. So, you must be cautious while roaming the museum and aware of your surroundings. If you are in a crowded area, try and hold your important things in your hands. You should also never leave your bag unattended. These steps might seem small, but they can help protect you from pickpockets.

Don’t Try to See Everything In the Louvre Museum

A picture outside of the Louvre Museum highlighting its large size.
The Large Size of the Louvre Museum

We already mentioned how the Louvre Museum is large and filled with different artworks; it has thousands of them. This means seeing everything inside the Louvre Museum during your visit is impossible. You simply won’t have enough time. If you try to see everything inside the museum, you won’t get the chance to truly enjoy it. So one of the important tips we just have to mention is that you shouldn’t try to see everything inside the Louvre Museum. To enjoy your visit, try to narrow down the artworks you plan to see. This way, you will take your time and appreciate each thing you see instead of rushing it.

Be Ready For Serious Security Checks

A picture of a woman going through a security check.
Security Checks Are Necessary

Most important destinations and tourist attractions, like the Louvre Museum, require serious security checks. Try to head early since the security checks may take some time. We should also tell you that you shouldn’t bring spray bottles such as hairspray; they aren’t allowed. Also, don’t bring sharp objects, including nail cutters and scissors. These security checks are necessary since the Louvre Museum attracts millions of visitors annually.

Things to Pack For the Louvre Museum

A picture of the words "PACKING LIST" written on a notebook that is inside an orange bag.
Pack the Essentials

One of the things that we had to include in our ultimate guide to the Louvre Museum is what you should pack. Before recommending some items you can take with you, we suggest you don’t pack many items. While there are free lockers in the Louvre Museum, going there to store and then picking up your belongings could waste your time. Even if you have a small bag, remember that holding it for a long time might tire you. Now that we mentioned this, here are some things you can pack for the Louvre Museum:

  • A jacket or a scarf: These two depend on the season you are visiting. They will be really helpful, especially since the temperature might be different depending on which part of the museum you are in.
  • A Camera or your phone: You should pack a camera to take pictures and videos inside the Louvre Museum. If you don’t own a camera, you can use your phone instead.
  • ID: You should have your ID in case they ask for it. You never know when you might need it. So better safe than sorry.
  • A water bottle: Your water bottle is better since you can refill it.

Take Breaks During Your Visit

A picture of the words "TAKE A BREAK" written on a white notepad placed on an office desk.
Remember to Take A Break

With the size of the Louvre Museum and how crowded it can get, you could easily get overwhelmed. Exploring the museum and walking from one artwork to another can also tire you before you see everything you have planned to see. This is why we advise you to take breaks during your visit. There are several rest areas around the museum that you can use to calm down, relax, and recharge. A small break now and then would do you more good than harm. It will also help us continue to explore the Louvre Museum with more energy.

Wear Comfortable Shoes Inside the Louvre Museum

A picture of a man wearing white shoes.
Choose Comfort

While this might seem obvious, we must suggest it as a tip. Since you will do a lot of walking inside the Louvre Museum, you should wear comfortable shoes. You will walk for 2 hours or even more, so having comfortable shoes can make a difference. Sometimes, a bad shoe choice can negatively affect your experience and ruin your day. Therefore, choosing your most comfortable shoes before visiting the Louvre Museum is always best. You can still wear your favorite shoes in other places in Paris that aren’t the Louvre Museum.

Things To See Inside the Louvre Museum

A picture of one of the ceilings inside of the Louvre Museum in Paris, France.
Admire the Ceilings

Since the Louvre Museum includes thousands of items and artworks, it can be difficult to choose which one to go and see. You literally won’t run out of options. To help you choose which items you want to see, here are some recommendations for things to see inside the Louvre Museum. These are favorites for many, and some of them are quite popular. You can still see other things that aren’t included in our recommendations. These are just the essential artworks that you probably wouldn’t want to miss.

Winged Victory of Samothrace

A picture of the Winged Victory of Samothrace inside of the Louvre Museum in Paris, France.
Winged Victory of Samothrace

The first artwork we recommend you visit in the Louvre Museum is the Winged Victory of Samothrace. Discovered on the Greek island of Samothrace in 1863, the status represents the Greek goddess of victory, Nike. Standing at over 5 meters, the Winged Victory of Samothrace is one of the most popular artworks inside the Louvre Museum. Sitting on top of the prow of a stone ship, this statue is something you wouldn’t want to miss seeing. The Winged Victory of Samothrace is on top of the Daru staircase, the perfect place for such a unique artwork. You can find this amazing piece in the Denon wing.

Liberty Leading the People

A picture of Liberty Leading the People inside of the Louvre Museum.
Liberty Leading the People [Source: Official Website]

Our next suggestion is Liberty Leading the People, a painting by French artist Eugène Delacroix. Painted in 1830, this jaw-dropping painting depicts the July Revolution of 1830. In the painting, a woman leads the revolutionaries around her into battle. This woman represents liberty, hence the name. As an important part of French history and a depiction of the French spirit, the Louvre Museum is the only place for Liberty Leading the People. So, if you want to admire a painting representing France’s spirit, this is the right one.

Venus de Milo

A picture of Venus de Milo inside of the Louvre Museum in Paris, France.
Venus de Milo [Source: Official Website]

Another thing that you just have to see is the Venus de Milo statue; it is probably one of the top ten most popular items in the Louvre Museum. Venus de Milo was discovered on the Island of Milo in 1820. This is where it gets its name from. Like many artworks inside the Louvre Museum, this statue is dedicated to a part of mythology. Venus de Milo represents the goddess of love, Aphrodite, also known as Venus in Roman mythology. Despite the statue’s missing arms, it is still an amazing piece of art.

Mona Lisa

A picture of Mona Lisa inside of the Louvre Museum in Paris, France.
Mona Lisa [Source: Official Instagram]

The Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci probably doesn’t need any introduction. Undoubtedly, it’s the most popular artwork inside the Louvre Museum. Many of the museum’s visitors go there specifically just to see the Mona Lisa. This 16th-century masterpiece’s smile and eyes are the main focus for visitors who can look closely at her. There is debate regarding who the lady representing the Mona Lisa was, so we can’t say a specific name. Some people call the painting overrated due to the huge interest surrounding it. However, if you see the Mona Lisa at least once, you should take this chance. Just remember that you will find large crowds around it, which could take time to see.

The Wedding at Cana

A picture of The Wedding at Cana painting inside of the Louvre Museum in Paris, France.
The Wedding at Cana [Source: Official Instagram]

Another masterpiece we must include in our ultimate guide to the Louvre Museum is The Wedding at Cana. It is also called The Wedding Feast at Cana. This painting is the biggest painting inside the Louvre Museum. It is over 6 meters high and about 10 meters wide; imagine what it looks like in real life! Depicting a banquet filled with around 130 people, the vibrant colors of The Wedding at Cana are admirable. Paolo Veronese’s masterpiece was kept in France instead of returning to Italy. This happened after an exchange of artworks took place. There were fears that The Wedding at Cana would be damaged during the shipping process due to its size. So we are quite lucky that the exchange happened and can see it in all its glory inside the Louvre Museum.

Psyche Revived by Cupid’s Kiss

A picture of Psyche Revived by Cupid’s Kiss inside of the Louvre Museum in Paris, France.
Psyche Revived by Cupid’s Kiss

Our next suggestion is Psyche Revived by Cupid’s Kiss, a sculpture made by Italian artist Antonio Canova. There is no doubt that this sculpture is unique and jaw-dropping, especially given its complexity in design. While it is one of the best artworks in the Louvre Museum, it doesn’t get the same hype as the Mona Lisa. Some might even call it a hidden gem. The good part is that you won’t find a large crowd around it. So you can enjoy the piece of art and focus on the details that make it significant. The sculpture depicts two mythological lovers and is quite romantic. Don’t be surprised if it steals your breath away when you see it for the first time.

The Raft of the Medusa

A picture of The Raft of the Medusa inside of the Louvre Museum in Paris, France.
The Raft of the Medusa [Source: Official Website]

Another painting you don’t want to miss is French painter Théodore Géricault’s masterpiece, The Raft of the Medusa. The painting depicts a shipwreck as sailors desperately cling to the raft to save their lives. The shipwreck depicted in The Raft of the Medusa is also a real event in which 100 sailors lost their lives. You would be shocked by how gruesome and realistic the details inside the painting look. Gruesome as it is, The Raft of the Medusa is great evidence of how talented Géricault was.

The Coronation of Napoleon

A picture of The Coronation of Napoleon painting inside of the Louvre Museum in Paris, France.
The Coronation of Napoleon

Our next suggestion is to use another painting, and this one is The Coronation of Napoleon. Painted by Jacques-Louis David, the French painter who was Napoleon’s official painter, The Coronation of Napoleon depicts the emperor’s coronation. The coronation took place in the Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris. Completed in 1807, The Coronation of Napoleon painting is a piece of French history as well as the artistic history of the country.

Law Code of Hammurabi

A picture of Law Code of Hammurabi inside of the Louvre Museum in Paris, France.
Law Code of Hammurabi [Source: Official Website]

Our next suggestion might not be known by many, but it is still important. The Law Code of Hammurabi, or the Code of Hammurabi, is a Babylonian code of law with over 200 laws inscribed on it. This artwork inside the Louvre Museum is perfect for history lovers who want to glimpse the laws and history of the ancient world.

The Apollo Gallery

A picture of the ceiling of The Apollo Gallery inside of the Louvre Museum in Paris, France.
The Apollo Gallery

Our next suggestion for things to see inside the Louvre Museum is a gallery. The Apollo Gallery, or The Galerie d’Apollon, is in the Denon wing. Once you step inside The Apollo Gallery, you will realize that even the gallery is a piece of art. Some decorations were made inside the gallery of the greatest painters and sculptors when it was built. Words can’t describe this architectural masterpiece. The Apollo Gallery is also home to the French Crown Jewels. It also includes the collection of hardstone vessels from the kings of France. This is your answer if you can visit only one gallery inside the Louvre Museum.

The Great Sphinx of Tanis

A picture of The Great Sphinx of Tanis inside of the Louvre Museum in Paris, France.
The Great Sphinx of Tanis [Source: Official Instagram]

Who said you can’t enjoy Egyptian history while inside the Louvre Museum in Paris? The Louvre Museum includes many artworks and pieces of Egyptian history, including The Great Sphinx of Tanis. By looking at The Great Sphinx of Tanis, you will see how it is a mix of a half-human and half-animal creature. It has a lion’s body and a king’s head, which is a great introduction to Egyptian art and artifacts. So, if you plan on visiting the Louvre Museum’s Department of Egyptian Antiquities, The Great Sphinx of Tanis is a great start.

Respect the Artworks and Visitors Inside the Louvre Museum

A picture of people looking at a painting inside of the Louvre Museum in Paris, France.
Admire the Artworks

The last part of our ultimate guide to the Louvre Museum is about how to behave while there. For starters, you should respect all the artworks displayed inside the museum. You shouldn’t eat near them or try to touch them, as this could ruin the experience for other visitors. So always make sure to treat the artworks with respect and appreciate them. Another thing you shouldn’t do is talk loudly while in the Louvre Museum. This will also negatively affect the experience of other visitors who want to focus on the artwork. Of course, you can still talk to others but always try to lower your voice.

We have now reached the end of our ultimate guide to the Louvre Museum. By now, you are ready to head to the Louvre Museum and enjoy your time. We told you about the most important things you should know before visiting so you are prepared. You now know the best times to visit the museum, how to book tickets, the rules you should follow, important tips, things you just have to see, and many more! You can consider yourself an expert on the Louvre Museum.

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