An aerial picture taken of Cairo in Egypt during the sunset.

Things To Know Before Visiting Egypt

One of the most popular destinations worldwide is Egypt, which has a rich history and culture, making it a favorite spot for many travelers. Even if someone hasn’t visited Egypt before, it is quite likely that they have thought about going there. While you won’t run out of things you can do in Egypt, there are important things you need to know. It’s common for you to know more about a country before you visit it. For example, you should know about its customs and traditions. You should also look for tips to help you navigate your visit to said country.

Egypt isn’t different from any other country you plan to visit. So, if you have visited Egypt before and haven’t had a good experience but still want to visit it again, we have your back! Or if you want to visit Egypt for the first time but don’t know more about the traditions there, then we have also got your back. Whatever the reason you want to visit Egypt, we can help you increase the chances of your visit going as smoothly as possible. Here are important things to know before visiting Egypt.

Where Should You Go?

A picture of the Pyramids in Egypt with camels walking in front of them.
The Pyramids in Egypt

One thing about Egypt is that it has many great places that you must check out. Whether they are historical places, 5-star restaurants, hidden gems, or anything else, the diverse list of things Egypt offers will probably make it difficult to decide where to go. However, there are some places that you should add to your list. For example, there are the Pyramids, Khan el-Khalili, and the Nile.

Egypt is even more unique because each city has something to offer. So whether you choose Cairo, Alexandria, or any other Egyptian city, you won’t run out of plans. If you have enough time, we recommend you go to other cities, not just Cairo. Some of the best cities in Egypt, after Cairo, are Alexandria, Luxor, and Aswan. In each city, you will find many things to do and experience.

When Should You Visit Egypt?

A picture of the sea in Alexandria, Egypt.
Alexandria, Egypt

Another thing you need to know before visiting Egypt is when you should visit it. Since the weather differs from country to country, checking the temperature before visiting any new place is a must. Egypt isn’t different. Choosing the best time to visit Egypt also depends on what you prefer. For example, some people love Summer, while others prefer Winter. So here is what you need to know about the temperature in Egypt. During the Summer, the heat is unbearable. It is even hot if you visit Cairo, Luxor, or Aswan.

If you don’t mind the extreme heat and can still have a good time despite it, then there is nothing wrong with visiting Egypt in the summer. On the other hand, many people consider Egypt to be better during winter. The temperature isn’t too cold to handle, so don’t expect to see snow falling. Therefore, the moderate temperature during Winter is like a dream come true for many, including Egyptians. The good thing is that you can enjoy what Egypt offers during the Summer or Winter.

How do I book tours in Egypt?

A picture of a hot air balloon flying over Luxor in Egypt.
Luxor, Egypt

Adding to our list of things to know before visiting Egypt is how to book tours there. Some people might prefer to travel individually and discover things as they go without booking tours; this is okay. However, if you would like to book some tours in Egypt, we can help you! Head to our website to book tours to Egypt and any other country. With TourTeller, you can search, compare, and book tours in Egypt and many other places. We help you find the tours you are looking for and then compare the prices until you find the perfect one.

Is Egypt Safe?

An aerial picture of the Nile and Cairo in Egypt during the night.
Cairo, Egypt

Whenever you decide to travel somewhere, you have to put your safety first. Doing your research about the place you are visiting, such as Egypt, is a must. One of the things you need to know before visiting Egypt is whether it’s safe or not. For years, the media portrayed Egypt as an unsafe country, but this is not the truth. The case with any country, not just Egypt, is that it will have good and bad qualities. So, a bad situation or two in Egypt doesn’t mean it is unsafe.

Egypt is a safe place to visit, and most Egyptians are very kind and helpful. Of course, some people will try to take advantage of you or make you feel unsafe, but they aren’t the majority. What you should do when visiting Egypt is to be cautious, just like you should act in any other country. Don’t trust people easily; try to be aware of your surroundings. Even if you felt threatened by anything, many of the streets in Egypt have police in them. So you can always ask them for help. So, in conclusion, Egypt is safe, but it is never harmful to be careful.

Don’t Forget To Get Your Visa

A picture of an entry visa to Egypt.
Egyptian visa

A very important thing that you need to know about before visiting Egypt is that you need to get a visa. Now, there are two ways to get a visa when visiting Egypt. The first one is a visa on arrival. It is valid for 30 days, more than enough to enjoy what Egypt offers. The second way to get a visa to Egypt is to get it online. You can apply for an e-visa through the official government portal before traveling. Some people prefer getting an e-visa, so nothing would go wrong if they tried to get a visa upon arrival. Others prefer the visa on arrival since the e-visa website can be filled out with glitches. So you must consider both options’ pros and cons before choosing one.

Make Sure to Pack and Wear Modest Clothes

A picture of several colorful head scarfs in a shop.
Modest clothes

One of the things you need to know before visiting Egypt is that there is an unspoken dress code. Egypt is a fairly conservative country, with the majority of the population being Muslims. This means that everyone is expected to wear modest clothes where little skin is showing. While you may not be used to this clothing style, respecting the country’s culture is still better.

The dress code is less strict in areas where most people are tourists. This unspoken dress code also applies to men. For example, you shouldn’t wear extremely short shorts as a man. Another important thing is that if you are a woman visiting a mosque, you should cover your hair with a scarf. All these tips are helpful to avoid any problems or issues with the locals.

Always Try to Haggle

A picture of a man and a woman bargaining about prices in a shop.

While this is probably not common in European countries, haggling is part of shopping in Egypt. Try to haggle whenever you want to buy something from most shops, especially souvenir shops. The price you hear from the seller at first isn’t final. Sometimes, the price you buy things with is much less than the initial price you were given.

Also, make sure to check the same product in nearby shops and see what the prices are. This will help you know if you are being deceived or not. The back and forth can be tiring, so keep it friendly. Our last tip on haggling is that you shouldn’t be afraid to walk away. If the seller’s asking price is still high, you can walk away and end the whole bargaining process. Sometimes, the seller will call you back and try to reach a compromise.

Don’t Forget to Tip

A picture of a man putting a tip in a tip jar in a coffee shop.
Always tip

In any country, there are some rules when it comes to tipping. These rules differ based on the place itself. Some places require you to tip, while others don’t. In Egypt, however, tipping is essential. It’s not optional. Even Egyptians themselves will leave tips to other Egyptians; tipping isn’t restricted to tourists. Therefore, you should leave a tip wherever you go. Tip in restaurants and cafes, and tip any delivery person if you order something.

This fact might shock you, but some public toilets will have cleaning people sitting outside. So you should tip them before OR after you use the bathroom. Tipping should start from EGP 10 and increase depending on the service. So, for example, if someone did you a service that doesn’t require a lot, then leave a small tip. If the service requires more effort, then increase your tip. Of course, the amount you choose to tip differs depending on whether you are satisfied with the service. One thing to know about tipping culture in Egypt is that workers hugely appreciate it. Their wages are not high enough, so they depend on tips.

Be Mindful of How You Behave in Religious and Historical Places

A picture inside of Al Azhar Mosque in Cairo, Egypt.
Al Azhar Mosque

Before visiting Egypt, you must know how to behave in religious and historical places. As I previously mentioned, when visiting mosques, you should wear a headscarf if you are a woman. Most mosques have a part for men and another for women. Therefore, if you are in a group, be prepared to be separated. You should also know that you must remove your shoes when entering a mosque. Our tip is to take your shoe inside with you in your hands or a small bag. It might have been stolen if you left your footwear outside; it’s better to be safe than sorry.

When it comes to historical places you plan to visit in Egypt, treat them like you would want tourists to treat historical places in your country. So don’t throw waste on the ground, don’t touch things where it is clear that you shouldn’t touch them, and simply try to protect the place. In other words, leave it the same way as you found it.

Avoid Public Displays of Affection

A picture of the word "banned" placed on a wooden sign placed on a laptop.
No public displays of affection

Another thing you should know before visiting Egypt is that you should avoid public displays of affection. As I previously mentioned, Egypt is considered a conservative country, with the majority being Muslims. Therefore, it is not common to share public displays of affection. It is even looked down upon. So try to avoid them because some people will take offense, and others will try to harass you. Your safety is the most important thing, so always prioritize it. So avoid kissing or any PDA to respect the locals and also to avoid any problems.

Try to Learn Some Arabic Words

A picture of the Arabic alphabet written on wooden cubes.
Arabic letters

Arabic is the official language; more specifically, Egyptian Arabic. Therefore, one of the things to know before visiting Egypt is some Arabic words and phrases. While English is Egypt’s second most common language, not everyone uses or knows it. Some Egyptians speak English fluently, others are less fluent, and some don’t speak it. The best option for you is to learn basic Arabic words to help you communicate with Egyptians who don’t speak English. The words “no thank you” are also important to learn so you can use them when a seller insists you buy something. Some of the basic Arabic words to know are:

  • No: Laa
  • Thank you: Shokran
  • No thank you: Laa shokran
  • Let’s go/ Let’s start something: Yalla
  • Where (when asking about a place or the place of something): Feen

Many Egyptians Are Nice

A picture of a group of Egyptian men dancing together.
Egyptians are kind

Another thing you need to know before visiting Egypt is that not all Egyptians are bad. You may disagree with how some Egyptians behave, but they don’t represent the entire population. Many Egyptians are actually nice and very welcoming to tourists and travelers. Egyptians are known for their kindness. Some will even go out of their way to help you if you need help. However, always be cautious since sometimes people being too nice isn’t something to be trusted. The important point is that Egypt is similar to any other country. Every country in the world has good and bad people.

Don’t Drink Tap Water

A picture of someone filling a glass of water from a tap.
Avoid tap water

While Egyptians are used to drinking tap water in Egypt and are perfectly fine, you shouldn’t drink tap water. Tap water isn’t the cleanest, so it could harm you if you try to drink it. Therefore, another thing to know before visiting Egypt is that you should buy bottled water to drink from. Since water bottles are plastic, you can buy a filtered water bottle instead. This way, you will protect the environment and avoid buying plastic bottles. Even when you brush your teeth, use bottled or filtered water instead of tap water. It might seem annoying to have to do this, but better safe than sorry.

Don’t Travel on Your Own

A picture of a woman traveling on her own and sitting on a cliff.
Avoid solo travel

While many travelers prefer to travel solo, having other people with you is always better, especially if you know and trust them. This is an important thing to keep in mind when visiting any new country, not just Egypt. For women, this advice is even more important. Unfortunately, solo female travelers might face unwanted attention and may be subject to harassment.

Always remember that safety comes first, so if it is possible to travel with a group, do it. If you still have to travel on your own, make sure to take every measure you can to stay safe. For example, you can plan your trip thoroughly and inform people you trust of your plans. You should also avoid walking at night, no matter where. These steps could help you be more safe while traveling on your own.

Bring Your Toilet Paper

A picture of toilet paper with a blue and light blue background.
Don’t forget toilet paper

Another thing you need to know before visiting Egypt is quite essential. This would be how you must bring your toilet paper with you. No matter where you go, whether you are heading to a café, a restaurant, a bar, a mall, or almost anywhere else, always bring your toilet paper. Many places will already have toilet paper in the bathrooms, but it is not always guaranteed. Sometimes, they might have run out of toilet paper; this happens a lot. So your best option is to bring toilet paper wherever you are heading. Even in tourist attractions, you should have toilet paper just in case.

Credit Cards Aren’t Enough

A picture of a person holding a black credit card in their left hand and money in their right hand with a laptop in front of them.
Always have both

Many destinations in Egypt have started using credit cards as the only acceptable payment method. This, however, doesn’t mean that all places do the same thing. While almost all museums and tourist attractions will allow you to pay with a credit card, other places only accept cash. If you are lucky, some places accept both methods. This is one of the reasons you should always carry cash with you, not in large amounts, so you would be safe. If the credit card option isn’t available at all or at the moment, you can pay with cash if they accept it. So, don’t depend only on credit cards while visiting Egypt.

Ask For Children and Student Discounts

A picture of a red discount stamp on a white background.
Ask about discounts

Another thing to know before visiting Egypt is that many places offer less expensive tickets for students, children, and sometimes elders. This is a common practice in many places worldwide, not just in Egypt. However, this doesn’t mean the discount will always be applied without first asking. Sometimes, the worker may not recognize that any children with you are young enough to receive a discount. You should ask the ticket workers if the regular price changes for students, children, and elders. This could help you save money, which is always good.

There Are Photography Passes

A picture of a female photographer in a yellow jacket taking pictures of mountains.
Don’t forget your camera.

While taking photos might be allowed in some touristic attractions around the world without needing passes, some places don’t do that. Egypt is one of these places. You will find that most tourist attractions in Egypt require you to pay a fee to carry a camera and get a photography pass. This is the only way you will be allowed to take pictures inside the place you are visiting.

Even if you don’t carry a professional camera, you will probably still need a photography pass if you plan on taking pictures using your phone. If a place you visit clarifies that you need a photography pass, then taking pictures there without it is considered illegal. Of course, not all places in Egypt require a photography pass, but you should ask to have one in the places that do.

Don’t Rent A Car

A picture of a man using a laptop to rent a car online.
Don’t drive in Egypt

A very important thing to know before visiting Egypt is that you shouldn’t rent a car at all. Even if you know how to drive and consider yourself a good driver, this doesn’t mean you will be able to drive in the streets of Egypt. There are some unsaid rules regarding driving in Egypt that people don’t learn in every driving lesson. Not to mention that traffic is heavy almost always, and you may not be able to navigate it.

On the other hand, Egyptians know how to drive in these streets and may know roads you won’t know. It would also be difficult for you to communicate with other drivers due to language differences. These reasons make renting a car in Egypt a bad idea that could ruin your trip. Finding someone to drive you, such as a taxi, would be better.

Prepare For Security Checks

A picture of a woman going through a security check.
Security checks are a good thing.

You should be aware that many places in Egypt have a lot of security checks. You could go through security several times on the same day or while going to some destination. The various security checks don’t mean something is wrong or you should be afraid. They are just security measures to ensure that everyone is safe. So don’t panic if you go through several security checks in a short amount of time. Just cooperate with the officials, and you will find yourself on your way before you know it.

Carry Small Change

A picture of different kinds of coins placed on a green background.
Have coins with you

As mentioned, you should carry cash and your credit card(s). What you should also do is to carry small change with you everywhere you are going. Small changes can be handy for small bills or coins; for example, you will need a small change when you leave a tip. Another example is that if you ride a taxi or any transportation, you will probably need to use coins when paying. You can even use small change if you go and buy something. This is why you should always carry small changes with you.

Don’t Cross the Street on Your Own

A picture of several people crossing a street together.
Ask for help

Another important thing to know before visiting Egypt is that you shouldn’t cross the street alone. Crossing the street is mostly safe if no traffic or cars are near you. However, you should always ask for help before crossing a busy street in Egypt. If you find yourself in this situation, you should look for an Egyptian or ask your guide if you have one to help you cross the street. If you are a woman, many Egyptian women will gladly help you. You might not know there is a shortcut or a tunnel to cross the street. So, most of the time, asking for help is the best option.

Ask Several People For Directions

A picture of a female traveler asking a woman for directions.
Find accurate directions

Google Maps is helpful when it comes to going to your destination. However, sometimes Google Maps can be confusing and difficult to understand, so you would likely consider asking someone for directions. If you do this, ask several people, not just one, for directions. Sometimes, in Egypt, places have the same name in the same area, so one person could lead you to a different place than the one you want. It also happens that some Egyptians may tell you the wrong directions, thinking they are describing the right ones. This is why you should ask several people for directions. Then you see what answer most of them agreed on, and you have your right direction.

Don’t Drink Alcohol in the Street

A picture of a no alcohol sign on a grey board with a blurred background.
No alcohol

Hotels, fancy restaurants, and bars will sell alcohol since they have a license. You may come across some shops selling alcohol in the street. However, if you found a shop selling alcohol and you bought from it, that doesn’t mean it’s okay to drink in the street. Drinking alcohol in the street isn’t allowed in Egypt. Drinking inside closed spaces like your hotel room or a good restaurant is preferable. Not drinking alcohol in the street is also better for you since some people might criticize you for doing so. As I mentioned, Egypt is a conservative country, so drinking alcohol in public can be seen as offensive. The bright side is that you will find good bars and restaurants where you can drink alcohol without any problems.

Beware of Hassling and Scams

A picture of the words "SCAM ALERT" written in black on a yellow card and surrounded by bills.
Avoid suspicious people

An unfortunate part about shopping in Egypt is that many sellers will pressure you to buy from them. So, another thing you should know before visiting Egypt is that you will get hassled and meet people who try to scam you. Our tips to avoid that are to learn to say a firm no. Don’t let sellers pressure you into buying something you don’t want or need. If they don’t listen to “no,” say “laa,” which we mentioned before.

Some sellers may even place the product on your hand or in your bag as a way of pressuring you. If this happens, you should immediately take the product off you and hand it back to them. Don’t get overwhelmed or scared. Show that you have a strong character. This could help you avoid them. Not all sellers are like that, but many are. So always beware of scammers, and don’t let anyone pressure you.

Check The Things You Eat

A picture of a food cart placed in a street.
Don’t trust all food carts

Our next advice on things to know before going to Egypt can apply to almost all countries. This would be to check the things you eat. For example, always check the expiry date of any food before you buy. Don’t let anyone tell you that the expiry date means nothing or is just a number. Another example is to avoid buying from food carts in the street if they look unhygienic. If there are a lot of flies around a food cart, this is a good sign to avoid it completely.

Even if a food cart has many people buying from it, you should consider whether eating there is safe. Our last advice is to check any restaurant reviews you plan to visit. Translate the reviews through different translation apps since sometimes the translation could be wrong. All these tips could help you avoid eating bad food.

Should You Visit Egypt?

A picture outside of Horus Temple in Egypt with people walking toward it.
Horus Temple, Egypt

After we have told you about things to know before visiting Egypt, you must ask yourself if you should visit Egypt. There is no one answer to this question. Like any other country, Egypt has the good and bad. We told you about some of the good and bad things. To know whether you should visit Egypt, you have to consider everything. Will you love Egypt despite the unfortunate situations, or will you be overwhelmed? Depending on your personality and how you see things, you can decide whether Egypt is the right destination. Remember, though, that TourTeller can help make your travel planning easier!

We have told you about the most important things to know before visiting Egypt. Our guide shared some recommendations for places to visit in Egypt and answered some questions you might have thought of. We also told you what to expect in many situations and what is expected of you as someone visiting Egypt. You understand what you need to know if you plan to visit Egypt.

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