Whenever I plan to visit other countries, I check the public holidays of the destination country. For example, street parades, traditional performances, and a variety of holiday events give us a better understanding of the country and its people. Japan has sixteen official holidays a year. Then, let’s check out the public holidays in 2022, Japan.
Japan’s Public Holidays
Scroll down to find a list of each public holiday date in 2021 in Japan and the meaning of the day mentioned to schedule your plans and get the best of what you’ll be getting this year:
New Year’s Day, Ganjitsu – Jan 1 (Sat), 2022
New Year’s day is a public holiday where everyone gathers to enjoy themselves. Businesses are kept shut to the 3rd of January from the 1st of January. The official holiday is only January 1, but office workers usually take vacations from late December to early January and have a long holiday of several days. Families throw Bonenkai Parties, which translates to forgetting parties. Most of all, Ganjitsu is one of the most important public holidays in Japan people.
Coming of Age Day – Jan 10 (Mon), 2022
This public holiday is held on the second Monday of January. It congratulates everyone who has turned twenty. You can easily find young Japanese people dressed up in traditional costumes. To congratulate the young people who have turned 20, each municipality hosts a grand coming-of-age ceremony. Usually, men wear suits or hakama, and women wear furisode.
National Foundation Day – Feb 11 (Fri), 2022
National Foundation Day is held on the 11th of February. People celebrate patriotism with events held nationwide.
The Emperor’s Birthday – Feb 23 (Wed), 2022
It is a public holiday celebrated in Japan and is celebrated on the date of birth of the emperor who is currently reigning. It is February 23rd of every year after Emperor Naruhito was crowned as of May 2019.
Vernal Equinox Day – Mar 21 (Mon), 2022
It’s the Spring Equinox day in the northern hemisphere when the length of daytime and nighttime are the same. It’s one of the national public holidays in Japan. Astronomically, it means a beginning day of the Spring and farming of the year in Japan. So, people enjoy the weather of Spring and the blooming of flowers.
Showa Day – Apr 29 (Fri), 2022
This public holiday is held on the 29th of April and celebrates the birthday of Emperor Showa (Hirohito). Showa translates to bright peace and symbolizes the period from 1926 to 1989, during which he reigned. In addition, They call this season Golden Week from Apr 29th to May 6. So, it includes four national holidays in Japan.
Golden Week – Apr 29 ~ May 5, 2022
Golden Week is one of Japan’s longest holidays, from Showa Day in late April to several holidays in early May. This year’s Golden Week is seven days from Friday, April 29th to Thursday, May 5th. Because May 2nd is a working Monday, many people are expected to take a day off on Monday and enjoy the week-long holiday from April 29th to May 5th, so please refer to those planning a trip during this period.
Constitution Memorial Day – May 3 (Tue), 2022
Constitutional Memorial Day is held on the 3rd of May. It is celebrated during Golden Week for the 1947 Constitution of Japan.
Greenery Day – May 4 (Wed), 2022
Japanese people celebrate this public holiday on the 4th of May to praise nature. It is one of the public holidays of Golden Week in Japan.
Children’s Day – May 5 (Thu), 2022
The 5th of May marks the celebration of Children’s day and the end of the Golden Week. This public holiday is to show respect towards the happiness and personalities of children. On this day, everyone enjoys special cakes and plays with traditional toys.
Marine Day – Jul 18 (Mon), 2022
Sea Day, or commonly known as Marine Day, is held on the third Monday of July. This holiday is held to celebrate the importance of the sea for the Japanese Nation.
Mountain Day – Aug 11 (Thu), 2022
Mountain Day is held on the 11th of August. On this day, people go to visit the splendid beauty of the mountains of Japan. Hiking and other such activities are also held.
Respect for the Aged Day – Sep 19 (Mon), 2022
In order to honor the elderly citizens of Japan, this day is held on the 3rd Monday of September.
Autumnal Equinox Day – Sep 23 (Fri), 2022
It’s a public holiday in Japan. As Vernal Equinox Day is the beginning of the Spring, Autumnal Equinox Day is the beginning day of fall. Family members get together and pay respects to their ancestors.
Health and Sports Day – Oct 10 (Mon), 2022
Health and Sports Day is celebrated on the second Monday of October and pays tribute to the 1964 Tokyo Olympic Games. This day highlights the importance of sports and a healthy lifestyle. In 2021, the day was celebrated on the 23rd of July because of the Tokyo Olympics.
Culture Day – Nov 3 (Thu), 2022
To promote the importance of learning and arts, culture day is held on the 3rd of November.
Labor Thanksgiving Day – Nov 23 (Wed), 2022
This public holiday is celebrated on the 23rd of November. During this day, Nagano Labor Festival is also observed to highlight the importance of peace, the environment, and human rights.
Here, you can check the ultimate Japan travel guide and the Best things to do in Tokyo.
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